Friday, July 1, 2011

Talking to Plants -- And Listening

Excerpt:  ebook "Plant Allies, the Alchemy of Herbal Healing" 

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"A fascinating true story about plant communication can be found in the books  "Kidnapped in the Amazon Jungle", and "Wizard of the Upper Amazon".  


Manual Cordovo-Rios was a Portuguese cook working with rubber company in the heart of the remote amazon in 1907.  Fetching water near a creek, he looked up to see himself surrounded by Indians covered with strange designs and poised with arrows pointing at him.  He was kidnapped by this  Amazon Indian tribe.  He was brought into their culture and took sacred plants such as Ayahuasca.  

During these sessions, in which the men entered a "dream state", he recounts how the plants "would speak to them, advising of their medicinal uses.  This is very foreign to western cultures.  Additionally the "Huni Kui", the tribe with whom Manuel lived, firmly believed the chants used with the plants was an integral part of the power.  Manuel underwent a complete shamanic initiation and become a well known healer."

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