Drink this "power tea" regularly to prevent colds, or drink as remedy when you have a cold.
- Lemons are high in vitamin C which help support the immune system.
The juice's anti-inflammatory qualities help soothe sore throats.
- Honey has antimicrobial properties honey not only soothes the throat but it
can also kill certain bacteria that causes the infection. Unpasteurized honey is best because the pasteurizing process removes many of
the health benefits.
Garlic -
Garlic is a natural antibiotic Numerous studies have proven it to be
a bacterial, fungal and virus killing machine.
- Ginger is a tropical plant related to turmeric and cardamom, produces a pungent, sweet-tasting root. Ginger promotes healthy sweating, where a potent germ-fighting agent
(dermicin) produced in healthy sweat gets transported to the skin’s
surface. This not only removes the toxins from inside the body, but
protects it against invading microorganisms from the outside.
3 cups water
3 -6 garlic cloves, halved
1/2 cup honey (unpasteurizrd is best)
1/2 cup fresh lemon slices
1/4 cup sliced ginger root
Put water in a medium saucepan and add garlic & ginger.
Bring to a boil.
Turn off heat and add honey and lemon juice
Strain into cup
Refrigerate leftover beverage
Bring to a boil.
Turn off heat and add honey and lemon juice
Strain into cup
Refrigerate leftover beverage
Great drink